1. EEXI Calculator
A. The porpuse of this web application is to assist masters, seafarers, shipowners, ship operators and any other interested parties for compliance with MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation 23 / 25.
B. Before taking action we strongly recommend readying through the following regulations which can be found on Dromon Bureau of Shipping EEXI Calculator About page.
IMO Guidelines
IMO Res_MEPC_333(76) - 2021 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Attained Energy EEXI.
IMO Res_MEPC_334(76) 2021 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of the Attained EEXI.
IMO Res_MEPC_335(76) - 2021 Guidelines on the Shaft / Engine Power Limitation System to Comply with the EEXI Requirements and Use of a Power Reserve.
MARPOL Amendments.
IMO Res. MEPC.328(76) – Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI.
C. For EEXI Certification please Contact Dromon Bureau of Shipping.
D. The following formula is used for calculating the CO2 emmisions per cargo ton and mile for existing ships.
2. Inputs
Personal Information
Vessel Information
Deadweight at summer load line draught:
Length betweeen perpendiculars:
Summer load line draught, moulded:
Shaft Generator
Is a Shaft Generator installed:
Output shaft generator:
Main Engines
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Auxiliary Engines
Number of Auxiliary Engines:
Use of electric power table:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Technical File Available:
Shaft Motor
Is a Shaft Motor available:
Reference Speed
Select the Calculation Method for Vref:
Equipment & Stractural Corrections
Deadweight without sideloader:
Deadweight without Ro-Ro ramps:
Voluntary Structural enhancement applied:
Lightweight reference Design:
Built in accordance to Common Stractural Rules (CSR):
Equipment & Stractural Corrections
Insert fW of simulation:
Innovating Energy Efficiency Technology
Are there any Innovative Saving Technologies Installed:
3. Parameters
4. Correction Factors
EEDI reference line value
5. Results
Date and time of Calculation:
28/03/2025 21:27 (GMT+3)
Compliance with EEXI MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation 23 / 25:
This document cannot be used as evidence for compliance with MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation 23 / 25.